II Corinthians 4:5-7

"For we preach not ourselves, but Christ Jesus the Lord; and ourselves your servants for Jesus' sake. For God, Who commanded the light to shine out of darkness, hath shined in our hearts, to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ. But we have this treasure in earthen vessels, that the excellency of the power may be of God, and not of us."


« November 2009 »

"I must work the works of Him that sent Me, while it is day: the night cometh, when no man can work." John 9:4

"...Nevertheless when the Son of man cometh, shall He find [the] faith on the earth?" Luke 18:8

"And it came to pass, when Moses came down from Mount Sinai with the two tables of testimony in Moses' hand, when he came down from the mount, that Moses wist not that the skin of his face shone while he talked with Him.
And when Aaron and all the children of Israel saw Moses, behold, the skin of his face shone; and they were afraid to come nigh him. And till Moses had done speaking with them, he put a veil on his face." Exodus 34:29-30,33

"Then shall the kingdom of heaven be likened unto ten virgins, which took their lamps, and went forth to meet the bridegroom. And five of them were wise, and five were foolish. They that were foolish took their lamps, and took no oil with them: but the wise took oil in their vessels with their lamps. While the bridegroom tarried, they all slumbered and slept." Matthew 25:1-5

"Jesus answered and said unto him, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God. Marvel not that I said unto thee, Ye must be born again." John 3:3,7

Good morning, and truly a GOOD morning it can be to you! Hear The Voice of Tomorrow, which brings you a message of great joy, and tidings of good things without measure.

In the last message, I spoke quite extensively of the coming conflict of the ages, and the great devastation that would affect the whole world; yet now I tell you that The Voice of Tomorrow is one of tidings of good things, of abundance, and of peace and joy unutterable! Perhaps you might say to yourself, "That man contradicts himself." Yet if you will bear with me a moment, I believe you will see even as I see. If you want to live in a house that is clean and beautiful, but you find that the one you bought is full of dirt and rubbish and run down in general, then the first thing you will do is to go to work in a very hard and determined way to clean out the rubbish, to wash away the dirt and to get the place redecorated. Now, God Almighty wants His children to live in a house that is clean and beautiful, with every modern convenience and great abundance. But after having given the Gentile nations over 16 centuries of time to prepare and build their own beautiful house (starting from Christendom as it commenced about the opening of the 4th century), He finds that instead of their having done so, we have filled it with rubbish, claptrap, filth and vileness. Therefore, the first must is to "clean house." This housecleaning God is determined to bring about suddenly, and will, by means of that war of extermination which I referenced in the last message.

Still, I keep repeating that God is a Father, and a very loving Father. Therefore He has provided an absolute shelter for every human being on the face of the earth who wants to be one of His true children. He provided an avenue of escape; He rent the veil, He has pinpointed the way, and for thousands of years He has labored without ceasing to the end that all people should be fully warned as to what is coming and what the future holds in store for those who will not hear the Voice of the Heavenly Father. He has made it abundantly clear what constitutes His true children. May I warn you, and may I remind you, that being His true children consists of more and requires much more than merely going to church on Sundays as a matter of habit and for good appearance. It even requires more than ceremonialism and partaking of sacraments, all which are only symbols of truth, rather than possessing any intrinsic power as a visa unto glory.

But man has ever been full of wishful thinking, and likes to think that if he is going to church more or less regularly, and partaking in such rites as may be practiced in his church, that that covers all that is required, regardless of the life he may live during the other six days of the week. That is a great delusion.

I must keep repeating what the Lord Jesus Christ said, speaking of the Christian era (which should commence after His departure), that "night would come" (Jn. 9:4), and, "while men slept, the enemy would sow the tares" (Matt. 13:25) to the extent that on the Lord's return to earth, He would search, and search in vain, yes, until He would question as to where He could find the faith (Lk. 18:8). His words (not mine), constitute a fearful indictment of our spiritual leaders throughout the 16 centuries, and is that warning which should awaken every sincere Christian to start searching for the real truth.

That Christendom of today would still be living in darkness, having been fed on half-truths and particle-truths and even untruths, was prophetically shown us over three thousand years ago when Moses came down from the "mount of God." We are told that his face so shone that he had to put a veil over his face when speaking to the people, for they feared to look upon the glory of his face (Ex. 34:29-30,33). Paul the Apostle speaks of that veil which Moses put upon his face and says that it was done away with in Christ. Paul made a true statement, but only a small portion of the truth. What Paul neglected to say was that Moses put the veil upon his face the second time when he came out to speak to the people (Ex. 34:33-35). The first veiling by Moses was a prophecy unto the Jewish people how that the Christ to come, and His true mission, would not be properly understood and hence rejected by His Chosen People. While the second veiling was equally as much a prophecy, but this unto the Gentile nations, that they would not understand; that they would not see the face of the great Deliverer, and, therefore, they would follow in the footsteps of their Jewish predecessors who did not enthrone Christ when He came unto them.

Neither has Christendom! For, we have glorified the god of money and enthroned the gods of politics and worshipped the goddess of pleasure, and almost repudiated every instruction given us by God, through an "interpretation" of His every saying to suit the wishful thinking of man. Instead of hearing the word of God and conforming ourselves to the teachings of Jesus Christ, we have interpreted the Bible so as to create a God after our own likeness, and shape a Lord and Redeemer to suit our wishful thinking. And the words of His mouth have been interpreted, that we might be lulled to sleep. Those were His very words: "while men slept." In fact, He went even further than saying "while men slept," by also stating, "while the bridegroom tarried" (which referred to His Own long stay in heaven), the "virgins" slumbered and slept (Matt. 25:5). Now, in His saying that the virgins slumbered and slept, that foretold how the very elect in His Own household, namely the Church, would be sleeping so soundly, and would have slept for such a long time, that only a number of them would have any oil in their lamps to go out to meet Him on His return (Matt. 25:5-10).

At this moment we will not discuss the oil, but rather look first to some of His simpler statements of kingdom citizenship. In His interview with Nicodemus at night, He stated very clearly and emphatically, repeating it for emphasis, that "ye must be born again" (Jn. 3:3,7). We know very well that unless a person has been born within a certain land, he cannot be a citizen thereof without making formal application and meeting the required conditions unto citizenship. But whosoever has been born within that land is naturally a citizen thereof.

All human beings have been born into this world which is ruled over by Lucifer; therefore, we are by birth, citizens of Lucifer's domain. I know this may come as a shock to many Christians that man has been born to be a citizen of Lucifer's kingdom, yet when we study the Bible we cannot escape that conclusion. For, when Jesus was tempted of the Devil, Lucifer told Him in the plainest of words that this world and all its glory, and the power thereof, had been given into the hands of his satanic majesty, and that he (the Devil) could do with it whatsoever he pleased. If you will carefully study the account, you will find that the Son of God did not rebuke the Devil for this statement, but He did rebuke him for whatsoever other statement was contrary to truth, or only a portion of the truth. I repeat that, in this instance, the Son of God did not rebuke the Devil for his statement, which constitutes a tacit admission that the Devil spoke the truth, and the full truth as pertaining to that matter at the time. And this was further corroborated by the Lord Jesus Himself on that last night here on earth, in the upper room with His disciples, when He spoke these words, "...the prince of this world cometh, and hath nothing in Me" (Jn. 14:30). The Lord spoke those words for the simple reason that during three and a half years, the Son of God had walked the earth and exercised superior power and challenged his Satanic majesty, the Devil. But now that the Son of God was again returning into heaven, He warned His disciples that on His leaving the world, the Devil would again return in fullness of power, and that the conditions he would implement in his ever-extending kingdom would be so utterly foreign to that of the Lord Jesus Christ, that He phrased it in those words "...and hath nothing in Me!"

That is the Christendom in which we now live! Because we were born into Lucifer's domain, we thus, by birth, are natural citizens of the Devil's kingdom. Therefore did the Son of God tell Nicodemus that we had to be "born again," or more correctly translated, "generated anew." Because God looks upon the heart, that is, to the inner man, and finds that it is full of carnality and corruption, He identifies that estate of the heart to be that which belongs to the Devil. Therefore said Jesus to Nicodemus that man had to be generated anew, that is, to put off the carnal and evil man and become a new creature in Jesus Christ (renewed from above).

Ask yourself this question, "When I joined my church, and went through the rites of becoming a member, did that change my nature?" If you know that it did, well, that is wonderful, but if, on the contrary, you are fully aware that you were precisely the same afterwards as you were before, then you can know for a certainty that you were not "generated anew," nor born again, as the King James Authorized Version puts it. Therefore, you are still a citizen of the Devil's kingdom. And those were precisely the words of the Lord Jesus Christ in His shocking forecast that "...when the Son of man returns, shall He find THE faith on earth?" Yes, in all of the old Greek original texts we find the definite article "the," which has been left out of the King James Authorized Version and most translations extant today. That is what He meant: that because of an enemy sowing the tares, man would accept half-truths, particle-truths and untruths, instead of the full truth as He taught it.

How can a person be born again, or generated anew? Let us look at it precisely the same way as a person in this world looks upon citizenship in a land. You were born into one land, and naturally a citizen thereof, but sooner or later you may decide to become a citizen of another land. How do you do it? In every instance, and that without a single exception, before you can become a citizen of another land, you must first decide that you are willing to leave behind all the conditions which obtain in the land of your natural citizenship. You must resolve within your own heart that you are perfectly willing and happy to receive and live law-abidingly under the conditions of the land to which you hope to travel. Unless you make that firm resolve, you will never get out of your own native land. Now, apply that to being born again, or "generated anew" as the Lord Jesus said, and you will understand at once that you cannot be generated anew into the Kingdom of the Lord Jesus Christ until you have fully resolved in your heart that you are through once and for all with the conditions of the Devil's kingdom, and that you set your entire heart and soul upon understanding and entering fully into the conditions of the kingdom of the Lord Jesus Christ; and that you will, in great sincerity, try your utmost to abide in the precepts He laid down for those who were to be His citizens, or members of His kingdom.

We have a little book which I believe you will find of interest, of value and inspiration – regardless of the church to which you may belong. Simply order The Port of Entry, by which I mean: the door to the Kingdom of God.

It is YOU who must decide; in whose kingdom do you want citizenship: in Lucifer's? Or in that of the Christ?

Remember that he whom you serve, the same shall rule over you (Rom. 6:16; Jn. 8:34).

Christ told the Pharisees that because they did the works of the Devil, THAT constituted them the children of the Devil (Jn. 8:38-41,44). The children are watched over and ruled by the father.

It is as simple as that; but God will not interfere with your free will: YOU must make the choice (whom you will serve and in whose kingdom you want your citizenship).

"Come unto Me, all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest." Matthew 11:28

But remember: "There is no rest for the wicked" (Isa. 57:20-21).

Not forever can vital decisions be put off: think of your future....

But as yet, Christ stands knocking at your door.

But whose tomorrow???

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